It's not very large, but it's big enough for two people (and their two cats who like to rip up yoga mats) to stretch, do yoga poses, or practice some fricking awesome dance moves. The floor wasn't very expensive or hard to build. The best part of this micro project was that it used up some laminate flooring we had been storing for years "just in case."
So, the laminate flooring was leftover from when we replaced our kitchen flooring back in the day. I never looked at the condition of the planks; if I had I would have thrown it all out long ago! Most of it was scratched, chipped, or cut in a way that it couldn't be reused, but we luckily found we had just enough to do an 8'x12' floor.

We even ordered a tiny sound-activated disco light which flashes wild color patterns of light on the floor and walls in time to music or voices.
Now we just need some mirrors on the walls and we are good to boogie our nights away!