Thursday, May 14, 2020

Update on Mini Dance Floor

Wow!  Never expected such a small, spur-of-the-moment project like a mini dance floor would end up being so important to my family's well-being!

Not long after we finished the floor, the coronavirus pandemic started and all of my kids ended up back home.  One had been studying in Spain right when Spain's coronavirus cases were spiraling up, so we all decided to self-quarantine as a family.  Soon after, our state implemented its stay-at-home order with no end date announced.  That's when the dance floor went from being a fun extra to a vital part of our quarantine routine.

Since the gym isn't an option right now and Spring in Wisconsin isn't known for its great weather, having a space for exercise has really come in handy.

One of the dance classes we normally take at a dance studio went to online classes.  For a different dance class we do, the instructor sent videos and asked us to keep practicing for a (hopefully) upcoming summer recital.  The kids' university-sponsored exercise classes also went online.  We were surprisingly able to get FIVE people on the dance floor doing Zumba at one time!  (Won't be posting video of that; it wasn't pretty... Zumba is hard.)

We had a local company install mirrors and we were super happy with the results.  The installers did a great job.  It was totally worth the money. The mirrors themselves are frameless with a polished, not beveled, edge so there's little distortion along the seam. They have a special mastic behind them for support and are also on tracks.  The tracks are much thinner than I expected and blend well with the mirror.  You don't even really notice they are there.  (FYI: mirrors really help a person keep track of their body position in yoga.  My downward dog has definitely improved since their installation.)

In summary, this small project has yielded big results for my family.