This is going to be a short blog. Wisconsinites know that you don't ignore a warm November day. If it's nice ya gotta be out there! (No matter how trashed the house is!) 'Cuz soon enough it's "geez, it's bleeping cold" time.
Well, today started off being one of those balmy, beautiful days. Then the rain came. Doesn't look like it'll last for long though, so I've got a few minutes to quickly tell you about my fun find at our local garden center.
OK, so by now, you've noticed that we start projects but tend not to finish them. So, we've got our powder room mostly, but not quite, done. It needed a new light fixture, among other things.
Well, after toying with the idea of making our own and searching 1000s of fixtures online, I gave up looking for the "perfect" fixture and settled for one "that'll do." Trust me; I had given up on even finding that! Well, luckily, I found one and even luckier, I found it on sale, which always makes me happy. We even lucked out a third time 'cuz we were expecting installation to be complicated. The previous owners had installed their light fixture to the side of the vanity, which looked kind of silly. We were expecting there to be a reason for it. You know, a vent or something preventing installation over the center of the vanity. Turns out not only was there no obstacle, there was even the metal extensions between the studs so that we didn't have to mess around with relocating the electrical connections for the fixture. Yay!
So, we were lucky three times in this little venture. Who would guess I'd get lucky one more time? I did! I was buying some bulbs at our garden center and while waiting in line at the checkout, I happened to glance at the wall above the register and there was a metal wall sculpture that would be PERFECT in the powder room. AND it was on sale too! I couldn't believe my luck!
Well, I wasted no time in getting hubby to hang it. Now I just have to find a towel ring and toilet paper dispenser that'll work...
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